Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my sleepless night

Things getting worse this time,I suffered sleepless night last night. Lying in bed at hour 22.00 last evening then got sleep for 1 hour and woke at 01:00 cause needing to pee. Hour after same reason until I found out myself to get hard to back to asleep.

This is normal symptom of pregnant women. Hour almost 04:00 then finally I feel asleep but woke at 6:30 because of my shift schedule is 7:00. Yes, I was tired and yawning all the time. Longer day and shorter night during summer gives me insomnia. I hope I could get over about it. I apply another method to walk and have fresh air before my bed time I hope it works for me because I heard that it works with others. I wish me luck and wishing to have a sweet deep sleep.

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From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.