Monday, December 28, 2009

the good and bad situation

I tried to be calm and ready in work in terms of difficult situation . Working with old people with state of ill-health is not easy. I have a stressful job and that's why I prepare myself both mentally and physically. This morning an emergency situation was happened again. I was overwhelmed over my head nurse because she responded right away and take over control.

After an hour everything is normal again but I never thought that I could be affected with the situation.I took my noon brake for 30 minutes and suddenly I felt weird in my whole body. I feel sick and terrific tired.

After work hour 1500 I phoned my husband and asked if he could pick me up. Thanks for him with his generosity and considerate he drove me home. On way home I come up with something. I need to pick up my nose spray in the pharmacy for my first IVF treatment that start this Wednesday.

Unfortunately my doctor did not send the electronic prescription of the said spray. I got little panic since the time is almost hour 1600.Here in Sweden everything take by phone even it matters about emergency. Telephone hours are different between weekdays. What a day! and what a phase that I have today.

I have in a hurry at home thinking that maybe I can made a call to the hospital. Thanks God everything was fixed. I managed for today's stressful situation. I believe that everything could be possible.

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.