Monday, November 22, 2010

wonderful christmas stress!

Every year Christmas is one of our tradition that we bother about. Christmas shopping  gifts to our love one's give us stress but a wonderful one. My advice start shopping Christmas gift now,November month is absolutely perfect month. Think things that is not expensive but practical one to give plus useful one.

Here in Sweden families have another things to do. From the first advent parents fix Christmas ham because it's quite hard to find fresh Christmas ham in the end of November. Oven bake with mustard is one of my favorite,majority favorite to Swedes family.

Then we will not forget the traditional drink (glöggen). This is the time to start to find what kind of glögg drink you may serve on Christmas Eve maybe alcohol free for me because I'm breast feeding..

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.