Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The use of salt during winter

Winter is cosy but cold with slippery problem. In the high way people working until midnight clear the drive way out of snow. Putting salt in the motorway and the street.

Salt helps not the roadway freezing that can be cause of  road accident owing to icy condition.  Salt is  the best aid..

Here in Gothenburg we have a big problem with a very slippery road because of the temperature that often change. The road become wet then be dangerous to drive.

The salt make us passable and get less disturbance in the traffic.

We have a hot summer this year therefore we believe that we have cold winter too. Opposite always,but hmm it's what we thought. The reality is climate changes affected us theoretical answer and the fact.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

time to light candle,first advent

Advent time again,Sunday the first advent. People here lighted their first candle until 4th Sunday where each 4 candles represented.

It makes sense that next Sunday 2 candles were lighted then 3 until  all of the 4 candles. Houses,offices  also decorate with their electrical candle in every windows. Very cosy to look at. Christmas is approaching !

Don't start it early before advent,other wise people wonder what are you doing. Decorate early Christmas lantern,Christmas candle light is not common here. Unlike in my home that I follow my old (Filipino style). Month of November I have my Christmas tree,put up my Christmas curtain and etc. But I wait to light the lanterns,advent candles until it's time.

Anyway Advent words comes from a latin "Adventus Domini"means the coming of Jessus.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Euro?no thank you

Today I would like to talk about Euro currency which I am happy about that Sweden keep the country currency(crown). I am not sure if I mentioned here before about Euro,but anyway let me express my own opinion. I am worried feel sorry for the other country who are each people sacrifice economy crisis.

Euro?no thank you "not for Sweden". Ireland,Greece this time are the 2 strong,good example how people affected with Euro currency. I am not an expert to say this but I think not only me who thought that it's where the 2 countries economy problem started.

Euro is a strong,stable currency that even myself wishes that my own country(home land)have currency like Euro. But living in the country with euro currency give us a high price. Everything become expensive from food to the rest of daily needs. You can even count that every family have hard to afford to spend holiday in abroad.

One reason why more than haft of population in the country where I'm living will definitely against to change crown to euro.

Monday, November 22, 2010

wonderful christmas stress!

Every year Christmas is one of our tradition that we bother about. Christmas shopping  gifts to our love one's give us stress but a wonderful one. My advice start shopping Christmas gift now,November month is absolutely perfect month. Think things that is not expensive but practical one to give plus useful one.

Here in Sweden families have another things to do. From the first advent parents fix Christmas ham because it's quite hard to find fresh Christmas ham in the end of November. Oven bake with mustard is one of my favorite,majority favorite to Swedes family.

Then we will not forget the traditional drink (glöggen). This is the time to start to find what kind of glögg drink you may serve on Christmas Eve maybe alcohol free for me because I'm breast feeding..

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stress free with banana

Stress is our weekdays common enemy. We are willingly to accept ideas on how to avoid stress. But the truth it is hard how to manage.Economy,life standard,home problems and lot more factor affected our situation. Try to put yourself under little stress sleep well and -through eating banana.

From the source (I form) I read this article from aftonbladet(Swedish newspaper).  Signalsubstance serotonin is one important  element  in our body  so that we can enjoy and relax of. To increase serotonin level we need to eat lot of vit.B6 this could also find in banana fruit.

Besides of vit.B6 their is even much of calium that also important for our body so that we can manage to have stress free...

Try it friends!!no harm in trying,eating banana is a healthy habit.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

snow storm

picture courtesy of sweden radio website.
Now winter has come!first snow storm started yesterday midnight. Hard wind and snow strike from  South. Stockholm(capital city of Sweden),Östergötland was affected. This kind of storm could be a cause of traffic accident. The people warned not to used their private car if they have no good winter deck to avoid the problem.

I'm happy that I stay home with my new born daughter. But I feel worried for my husband because he need to work. I remind him to be careful all the time (he drive taxi ). This is why I hate this weather season,so cold and unpleasant when you go out for a walk. How many layers you need to have in order not to feel cold.

Well,well,snow is nice to look at I think it could bring cosy during night time specially at hour 17.00 in the afternoon it looks like midnight. So dark!!!hmmm shorter day and longer night November month is one of the darkness month I think.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

name day 6th odf November

picture courtesy from Swedish website:captured by:of( Kjell Holmner)
 Lets talk about name today.... Native of Gothenburg city and even the rest of Sweden have their tradation to celebrate name day.

People take it seriously,that they phone their love one's,friends and congratulate on their name day. Different in my culture because we don't celebrate like this except our birthday.

Today Novemebr 6, Sweden celebrating "All Saints Day". Holiday today that we called it "red day" lot of you maybe wonder why? In USA and even in my home land we celebrate "All Saints Day"every November 1.  The reason why??? Every first Saturday in the first week of November which is today (6th of November) = celebrate All Sainst Day in Sweden. I am not sure if their's another country in Europe aside from Sweden. In USA they called it "Holloween".

Today is even name day of Gustav Adolf to memory of Gustav 11 Adolf that died in this date in the fog during fight day in Lutzen Germany 1932. He build Gothenburg  with his initiative and the city got  it's right  year 1621.

In Sweden today there are 5 people name GUSTAV ADOLF. In the other side there are about 73800 Gustav name bearer (only without Adolf) and around 5600 Adolf in the country.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alcohol worse than heroin

Go out and enjoy!we can define it in a various way. Party with friends is one example where we used to have drinks. Once in a while allow your body a little amount of alcohol because we need it of course. Too much quantity is another story. Drink moderately(as we used to heard,read from tv -text advertisement).

We are aware that people in our immediate surroundings  have different interest and values. We got everything we need specially those who lives in civilise country. Never mind the risk and take what it takes! we devoted to one's own interest and forget about the consenquences.

Drinking problems affected each every one's life old and young adults. Family relationship have a great roll why lot of us enede up in a worse situation. Think!use your fantasy wisely spend your wonderful life in a better way. We have a good life ...enjoy it!don't destroy.

According to researcher in London, (I have read in newspaper) alcohol is hazardous than heavy drugs. To measure alcohol 3 times harmful som cocaine and tobacco. It is even worse than heroin.

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.