The world of new technology thanks!we have possible access of electronics information. Everything is impossible now this days(of course not counted to uncivilised area). Telephone and other electronics companies always find their ways to invent an amusing gadget.
Yes! they provide us something that we could enjoy off. But for the other side it gives us stress. Like the situation happened to me and my husband before Christmas. We decided to change our thick TV into the latest model flat -screen LCD TV. My husband twin brother have an electronics shop their we bought our new "toy". Even though I have a little knowledge about electronics but it was totally confused. It's not about 1 model that we're talking but many,from the old till the latest.
The both of us took few hours before we did the final decision for what model is the best. Of course with the help of the expert(my brother in law) much easier for us to understand. We have no hurry to have such new thing at home. But since my husband and I love to stay at home and watching TV is one of our hobby. It's our excused why we was thinking about it.
Wide screen gives more effect and more lively when watching some favorite TV program. I am not a materialistic person not either my husband. We only like to enjoy our life since it's part of our relaxation. We're living in the stress world so we need to balance our life standard.
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