Friday, April 22, 2011

This Good Friday

In this Good Friday April 22, 2011. My husband went fishing with his 2 friends I like better to be at home with my "little honey". I do my usual daily household chore. In the news this morning mostly is about Easter celebration. They even took a clip of video from my home country(Philippines)about how we celebrate Easter Holiday. Majority of the people there are "Roman Catholic" believer. On this Holiday a meaning to spend with.

Even though I am living abroad strong belief remain inside me. That their is "God" this is the day we observed as the anniversary of His cruxifixion. People all over the world perhaps celebrate this special occasion in any different way depending what religion they belong. We must respect them,accept in every individuals faith.

I think today we need to understand and put in our mind that "God"really exist. Taking something forgranted about Him maybe a result of confusion of faith.

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.