Thursday, May 20, 2010

my whim for today

Trust!easy to say but hard to find the right person who could give us 100%. We keep on searching friend but sometimes we failed and not sure to home we could really lend on. We are good of keeping promises but don't forget that we are much better of broken it. Sounds funny,but  if we try to analyzed how we human play our game in life. Have you noticed that everybody born to be the same in terms of self interest.

Family members turn to be enemy and lose ones trust  because of  inheritance fight. Money and material thing is  "evil" and spreading all over the world. No matter what culture you belong this is the fact. How could we stop this?why we are not God?contented of everything and wanted to be simple most of all humble.

Simple reason it's not easy being human.We are human that cannot make 100%perfect but good to know that we are trying. It doesn't matter if some people think that you are not doing right  today. Accept your fault and learn your mistake then you will be a better person at the next day. Remember no one is perfect except God so don't  judge others action and failure because we are all the same.

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From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.