Friday, October 30, 2009

I feel weak!

I wrote my blog yesterday that I took vaccination against this new influenza (HIN1). I went to work this morning and doing morning routine and felt nothing but only pain in my right shoulder.

We was almost finished for the morning job,and took a brake, shortly thereafter I felt weak and totally tired. I don't have fever but ohhh... what a pain! my whole body reacted. At home I took 2 PCs pain reliever medicine and it helps a lot the pain ceased over.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lessons for life

What a day! I set my alarm clock last night at hour 700 since I started my shift at 800 hour for the next day. In the morning it was keep on ringing at exact 700 hour but still I was thinking 5 minutes more extra before I get up from bed. I don't like autumn weather as makes me more sleepy and still dark outside in this early morning.

Uschhh autumn season is not really special... I prepared myself and check if everything I need is in my bag including my uniform. When I looked in wall clock Wow! time was 7.30! and my bus will leave at 7.45. On that moment I felt worried what if I missed my bus?So I walked so fast since it takes 12minutes from my place to the bus station.

But I have such a bad feeling that I could came late. Just 50meters away I saw my bus on the way to the station and it was number 94.Oh no!I ran as I cannot imagine how fast it was. Now it happened to me, I almost missed the bus this morning. Thanks, to the kind-hearted bus driver he stop the bus when I make a stop sign to him (not everybody bus driver as like him). It was so closed,whew!!! it's not a good day start.

Back in my country that if you missed the bus, not such a big deal because bus comes time to time since they have no time schedule as we have here in Sweden.Here if your late for instance you need to wait 15minutes(for bus,because train and tram have different time).

I learned such big lesson today. ....At work our nurse in charge asked me if I am ready for the HIN1 vaccine. She injected me and felt weak after, and my right shoulder was swollen. Hope got no fever tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Words in Swedish.

I would like to share some Swedish words that makes me confused at the time I started learning Swedish language. It's hard to forget things happened during first day of school. I learned from the beginning(just like grade 1) in Philippines in short from alphabet to counting numbers.

Here are some words that sounds familiar in English language but different meaning in Swedish.
  • glass in English is a solid material which is typically brittle and optically transparent.
  • glass in Swedish is an ice cream if we translate into English.
  • if you say "uncle" it's understood that either it's your mother's brother or father or else a relative.
  • in Swedish you need to specify, "morbror"if it's your mother's brother because mother in Swedish is mamma and brother in swedish is bror. You called "farbror" if he is your father's brother.
  • good morning(English) - god morgon(Swedish)
  • good evening (English) - god kväll(Swedish) that you pronounce the ä words as " E ". I tell you guys it's not easy for me us new beginner of the language.
  • Monday (English) - in Swedish måndag that you pronounce the "å " as "O".

Have you noticed your mobile phone that have this alphabet? ä.ö.å these words are included in Swedish alphabet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My sunday morning!

Usual Sunday here in Gothenburg and the whole Europe was changing summer time to winter. We have 1 hour backward from summer time. My husband asked me if I want to practice drive,but we fel asleep after I beg him to massage my back.

After eating dinner we both feel like to eat ice cream. Time was not so late, we decided to went out and do grocery. Hour 1900 but it was already dark outside, one reason why in Europe we have called summer time and winter time.

We enjoy our evening with ice cream and baileys.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stay home!

Saturday,my husband and I are both free from work.We woke up at hour 10.30 which he think that we oversleep. I think it was nice and I felt completely rested in other words"I don't like to wake up early ". That's the reason why I like to work evening shift.

Hour 11.30 we ate breakfast "Swedish breakfast". I cooked "mango beans" that my husband joked me as my "snack". He don't like "mango beans" for the reason that it has a strange smell when cook. I understand him since they are not grown with it, unlike in my country that it is common. This kind of beans is rich in protein and with iron too.

My planned to buy some pair of leather boot was cancelled. I was thinking that hmmm it's nice at be at home and watch TV!Chatting my family in Cebu Philippines. I find myself relaxing!by not doing special thing today.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

proud to be "Pinoy"

Today I work hard as always,we have so much to do by the pass days. Patients conditions has deteriorated, every day. We need to ready all the time and not show panic. But it was not easy for me to adjust, since I need to communicate time to time with the nurse and sometimes to the relatives. That makes me stress both inside me and my body due to the language "Swedish".

I know I manage my job with care, but I cannot avoid to felt worried if I wrote the report correctly in Swedish grammar. My manager and my co workers gave me a good reputation of my self because they have seen my effort during my shift. The reason that I need to adjust more and show them the more of me. It was not easy thought "Swedish is not an easy language to learn about".

Their was a time that I talked my patient in my "dialect"good that she did not heard it. the big advantage that helps me a lot here is having a blood of "Filipino"known as fighter and show great courage throughout everything. This is why I'm proud about.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

shorter day..

It's getting cold day by day here. We have a long months to wait before the next summer. As we see the leaves are falling every single minute. The days getting shorter and it's getting dark at hour 1800.Bye bye summer bye bye. My husband used to say some joke with me that it's fully air con now so I don't need to complain that "it was hot" as he heard often from me.

As my day off day today but I spent it with cleaning the house and have my acupuncture at the afternoon. It's been a year now since I started acupuncture,while I'm waiting "In vitro fertilisation"(IVF) a method that I could be pregnant. Right now I'm waiting for my doctors notice for the said treatment.

Monday, October 19, 2009

kids world their life is full of joy they are the heart of the family.Parents will do everything for their children.I missed being a kid,because we cannot feel worries,and we don't need to think about the future.Everything lies into our parents hands.

For me kids is like adults toy that give the parents completeness of life. Their smile makes us smile.How I wish I could have one in the's attached are the kids of my sister and brother.taken during Phil.visit.

he don't like camera but she was opposite.
they even love to ride "trolley" and make fun of it.
if they got tired
they loved to be carried..(hmmmm they look so cute)
they are kids!with their innocent eyes.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fringe change of look?

I got bored one night in a sudden cut my hair in my forehead to change my hairstyle!

After one minute I have "bangs" but I felt sad and had regret why I did such a quick decision. Wishing that I have my hair back as I used to have before. I asked my husband what he think of my new hairstyle he said that it looks good but still I was unsure if he was telling the truth.

At work my colleague asked "have you bangs"?.I was doubt to answered them but I told them that it was my sudden mistake . They told me that it fitted my face, then i started to think of something hm mm...did I make a good decision?maybe...

(my old hairstyle)

new look of mine!with "fringe"

Friday, October 16, 2009

We need to think about

Yesterday's seminar, our speaker was one of the head nurse here in the municipality.She was telling how important this time to hold the belt and thankful that we have job today as "economy crisis" still going on.Things that comes into my mind was MY FAMILY IN PHILIPPINES. How grateful i am that I am here and can support them time to time they need my help.

I am not ashamed writing this in my blog because I want to share that I have wonderful life and family both here in Sweden and Philippines. I admit that their are times that I felt boring here,I told my husband onetime that living far away from my dearest family is hard and he understand me. I was thinking that I need to be strong and faced the challenge in life since it's hard living in the country with a high standard. I know I can make it as I often heard from my family saying that "I can do it". Lot of my colleague wonder how come I adjust directly "their cold climate during winter",food,culture and language. I only answered "I need to adjust"and forget everything I have before and face today's life. Actually I do"rosary" and cried if I needed too.

As swine flu has come and the whole world suffered! Lot of countries today have problem of food. Sweden's today's situation is quite secure if I compare to the other countries here in Europe.

This year and the coming 2 years we don't know yet if the whole world can survive the economy situation but all of us hoping for the recovery..I am worried of my home country too,that hoping the government official will do their job and serve their people not just thinking their personal interest. I know that I am not alone saying "stop the corruption" and please do your job address to the Phil.government.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

how dangerous this HIN1

I was thinking to continue writing about "swine flu"or we called "HIN1". I post blog the other day that in my department where I'm working we are all waiting for vaccine.We have seminar yesterday and we've been asking the head nurse about the side effect of the said vaccine,that it could possible to have fever,or maybe redness of the skin above the shoulder.Doctors don't know yet if these are the effect,depends how our body react as they concluded.

Why it's important to have vaccine against (HIN1)yes because this affected our lung.This is dangerous to the young age under 30.This pandemic swine flu can spreads through hands and by sneezing. Be considerate cover your mouth to avoid spreading the virus. In Sweden now this time, in hospitals doctors and medic personal did their greeting by saying"welcome" avoid shaking one's hand. People here are very careful, by washing hands time to time before and after meal.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The man behind "My WAY"

I personally like music,and love singing karaoke. Having karaoke in the family is common in every "Filipino family".I heard lot of legendary songs like "My Way" "Diana" and other classic hits songs,but I am not used to bother about who was the writer.

One TV channel here in Sweden (TV3) have reality TV show tittled "The Swedish Hollywood Wives" this 3 women have such a luxury life that living in Hollywood. One of them married to the successful song writer "Paul Anka".

It was just a little of surprised for me because I did not know that he was the writer of "My WAY" that sang by Frank Sinatra since I thought that it was Sinatra who composed and wrote the song.But well..well.. I apologized myself not knowing this before,it's embarrassing! of course.

I would like to share my words of opinion about his wife "Anna Anka".She is 38 years old 1 year older than I am. In the show "The Swedish Hollywood Wives" Anna Anka was the talk of the town just after the TV showed because of her strong commentary against men in Sweden and "Swedish lifestyle is not good"as she quoted.

I could say that yah!she's maybe right but since now she is living in her dream and married to the most successful guy so it's easy for her to judge other peoples living standard.She was actually an adopted child from Poland.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I watched the news on TV yerterday that the HIN1 vaccine was ready.Should we need to take vaccine? a lot of people says no but some says yes.In my case I take vaccine, working in hospitals and "nursing home" and same related job need to have this vaccine for the reason that we always have contact with sick people.

Here in Sweden vaccine against HIN1 is free to the people working the said occupation I mention above (I'm not sure if it's free to all citizen).I did take it and grab the opportunity and hopefully everything will be fine.As of this time my whole department waiting for the HIN1 vaccine.

Friday, October 2, 2009

my own openion!

A shocking catastrophe that happened in Manila Philippines this year. Typhoon "Ondoy" makes a big damage and lot of families lose their houses. After "Ondoy" typhoon "Pepeng" is coming and reported that it will hits Luzon. I don't need to worry because my family was living in Cebu, but I feel sorry and sad to my co Filipinos specially the victims of the said catastrophe.

Why it's always have typhoon in my country? and it always hit Manila areas and Luzon. Filipinos used to say the word "kastigo sa Ginoo" ( God's punishment ) since lot of them don't know the real reason why we have typhoon.

In my opinion Manila area and Luzon are an open area,( no mountain surrounded). The second reason is no enough trees in the Philippine forest as of today. Third, people keep throwing garbage anywhere that could be the reason why the rain water stagnant.

We usually used the words "bahala" or "da" ( not bother about). We need to realized that we make a mistakes and need to take action. It is not correct using the name of "God" and blame HIM.I think the "Philippine government" needs to change and improve their strategies. Stop! the corruption!instead help the "Filipinos".

We need the right form of government just like "United States" and as President Obama used to say "we need change".

I do believe that it's possible that we can be one of the best country in Asia.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

my sushi day

Autumn weather is not my favorite,rain,windy it was cold outside. Day off after work I phoned my friend asking if they were free today. We decided to eat "Sushi" restaurant somewhere in Gothenburg City.

It's a long time that I've been in Japanese restaurant. I have this longing of their ginger and wasabi mixed with soy sauce. At home it was only me who like "Sushi" my husband did not. I felt awkward ( I still don't know how to used their stick!).Hohoho, I'm practicing time to time.I cannot explain why?but still I can't have it.

Well, there is nothing wrong when people use spoon and fork while eating "Sushi". .I think it looks more social when using stick.

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.