Wednesday it's another brand new day. Yahh!!! summer is past approaching and I will meet my family soon.
I would like to talk about the global crises again here in my blog. I was so bothered for the fast weekend because one of the biggest hospitals here in Gothenburg dismissed 40 regular employees. This is the 2ND time and they have no choice..Volvo have the worst because thousands of their employed was dismissed.
The first year I arrived in Sweden I told myself how safe I am. They have everything here the government try to help to those who have no job. A lot of refuges came here and got help. Apartment,food and they have allowances. But now everything change,in a sudden turn.
More and more unemployed keep on increasing. Yah, the unemployment benefit society helped them but until when? How could the government support them in the future if not so many today are tax payer? I think it's Swedish people who paid higher tax monthly compared to the rest country in Europe(correct me if I'm WRONG). I myself paid 32% of my income salary every month. No one can hide their income from the tax department otherwise you got some trouble from them.
In the other hand this global crises wake up us TO THOSE PEOPLE who never think how to save money in the future. We are spending too much,than our monthly salary income. It's human behaviour that sometimes we cannot control. But now maybe we must need a change. Cut some of our unnecessary living standard.
We are not alone for this fear a lot pensioner are complaining because their monthly pension is not enough for their monthly needs. I heard from the rumors that not so many Swedish family can go for summer vacation this year as they used to be.
I'm happy, because exactly in the borderline where the crises started I got my permanent job. Stable hope so... for this time my employer manage financially. As everybody says that hopefully this will go over.
yah screamy situation