Wednesday, May 25, 2011

my reveal

The wind rose today and even yesterday. But I am happy anyway I have my reveal. Monday whole day I'm out home to have Filipino cooking. Everything was wonderful and they are all companionable. The best thing was "binignit" our sunny M ONDAY was unforgettable.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

our dangerous waste

Lets talk about our environment again,because we need to care about it. I think not all people concerned about our dangerous waste from our home. Lot of us throw things together and burn it  without  knowing that some materials could be dangerous and harmful to human kind.

The biggest issue for today's waste situation is not new,we need to wake up. The picture I attached above is one example of a simple sorting. I took this picture just for you guys "as sample" that their are countries who do good for our mother earth. In the other case I understand why folk ignore to do good things because they luck of knowledge and right information. I understand it's not so easy at all. I confess that I have been in their shoes. Now I try to inform my family abroad what are the dangerous waste we need to take care off and not to blow off. Like battery that contains lead, mercury which are dangerous to us.

Thank you for reading

Monday, May 16, 2011

for dog

I saw this sign "hund bar" (hund Swedish word for "dog"). It's not  summer yet but we have warm weather that could enough feel thirsty under the day. In the park you cannot only see families but lot of dog lovers brought their pet and have fun too.  It was obvious why they put "water for dog" to be in hand if in case their pet wanted to have a drink. This was a generous idea! a kind giving heart and thoughtful to not only for people but to animal too.  In this country I am living in dog counts as one of a family member.

Dogs here treated as their kids;have good food and insurance as well. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

relaxing park in Gothenburg

Slottsskogen (Castle of Wood) when we say it in English. A beautiful place where families gather around. This is why I always say that Sweden is a beautiful country. Although summer time here is shorter compare to other weather season. But the nature here is one of the "top"secret".

We were walking the whole area watching seal and penguin,then proceed to kids  animal park area. I feel little tired,the park is huge that invite many things. I told my husband to buy some ice cream for refreshing.

seal swimming

one of the roe deer inside
 People are every where,playing volleyball but mostly who was here today are families. This is a holiday for me,really cosy park. They preserve tree for good!!that your walking through the area of "mother nature" so beautiful and relaxing is the place. 


Thursday, May 5, 2011

in the morning 3rd of May 2011

This was our weather on the morning of May 3. We experienced snow  that surprised us all. In the past Easter holiday we have a nice weather with  bright sunshine a lot of people had grill outdoor,did swimming in the beach and have a summer attire when they go out. This is a joke!(as I said to myself)we're going back again in the chilly spring day.
 I look outside through our window in the bedroom. The snowflakes falling are bigger enough that makes wet when its dropping into the ground. My 6 months daughter who was in my arm even noticed it since she reacted every fall. Anyway the snow gav us a different view,and it was beautiful to look at. But still we are eager to have summer weather since summer time in Sweden is shorter than winter time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

things remind me most

  I was out in the other day and saw this thing. I have no idea if this is still  functioning but I'm not doubt if not. Today in most advance country water supply at home is not a big problem. In a simple "click"with your finger so easy with water. How about going back to the old time.This old water pump remind my "childhood". Early in the morning we need to get water 10 minutes away from our house where there we must stand in a line.

Sometimes we have "stressful" moment where we need to fill up water in the water pump tube before it works. How thankful I am now that we have our advance technology. Even in my country we have a good source of water supply. But water pump as " in the picture above" is still "alive "out there specially in the province. MMm refreshing memory...

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About Me

From Cebu and landed here in Northern Europe a Nordic Country on the Scandivian Peninsula ..soon to be a Mom. Life living outside Philippines is interesting and a lot of challenge ,of course difficult because of the language.People in Sweden speak Swedish and I need to step back from the basic just to learn their language and to have a job.I created this blog for my family and friends in Philippines,easy for them to update my life here. My other reason is to keep updating my english language.